Radio Host Bradlee Dean Speaks to Arizona Tea Party Activists About His Ministry to High School Assemblies and More

SURPRISE, Arizona – Bradlee Dean, founder of the nonprofit Christian organization You Can Run, But You Cannot Hide International (YCRBYCHI) and host of the radio show Sons of Liberty, spoke to the Grassroots Tea Party Activists of Arizona Thursday evening in the West Valley. Dean, an ordained minister and drummer for the Junkyard Prophet, a Christian rock band, founded YCRBYCHI in 1997, which gives presentations to students at school assemblies across the country.

The fiery, entertaining Dean started his radio show in 2002, which is now nationally syndicated. He produced a mini-series documentary in 2011 titled My War, where he “slings rocks at the political, social, and immoral giants of our time and confronts society’s ills.” He said his band has “purposely turned down five record deals in order to maintain control of their uncompromising message.”

Bradlee Dean talks to group of Arizona Tea Party activists.

Dean told the audience about his presentations to youth. He and his wife, Stephanie Joy, a talented singer, perform at the events. Joy started out her career as a child actor, but walked away shortly after marrying Dean when she finally got an offer as a leading role in a movie because the role conflicted with her “beliefs as a Christian.”

Dean said he has given presentations to 365 high schools in 25 different cities nationwide. The ACLU and others have tried to get him kicked out of schools. His message goes over the Constitution, teen pregnancy, abortion, gun control, environmentalism, media bias, education reform, and more.

He said he is concerned about the public schools because 86 percent of those who send their children there call themselves patriots, conservatives, and Christians — yet they’re handing their children over to their “sworn enemies.” He said the universal agenda of the public schools is to treat everyone alike.

“We’re teaching them to shoot for the floor, and not the stars,” the radio host said.

Bradlee Dean gives a presentation while Maricopa County Sheriff candidate Jerry Sheridan stands next to him.

Dean explains through a demonstration using several people from the audience how he gets the students interested and wakes them up. He asks a few of them to perform a few tasks or answer a few questions that they are almost certain to get wrong, such as “What is the raised print that deaf people use?” The students answer “braille” because they don’t realize that he said “deaf” instead of “blind.”

Next, he asks them how many know about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. He said some start laughing, including the teachers.

He says, “So what’s so funny, you don’t know the law? You don’t have any rights, right? And if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any rights. And then what I’ll ask them is how many in this room bring it to a different level? How many of this room actually have grandpas, dads, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends, that actually fought, bled and died in foreign wars, establishing the very laws that you said that you didn’t even know. And for the next two and a half to three hours, I have their undivided attention.”

Bradlee Dean gives speech in Arizona.

Dean also talked about with evidence showing how President Joe Biden did not really win the presidential election and frequently quoted the Bible. The ordained minister noted how the Bible encourages people to be educated, quoting Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

He denounced the hype over COVID-19 that resulted in draconian lockdowns and mandates, calling out Reverend Franklin Graham for saying Jesus would have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. Graham said in 2021, “I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

He questioned why polls show that 94 percent of Americans don’t believe the mainstream media, yet most believe Biden won. He said only 1.7 percent of the population pushes far-left radical positions, but they are treated as a dominant force.

Dean had harsh words for Republicans, too, stating that the Left accuses the Right and the Right accuses the Left, while “both sides win.” He compared it to the sandwich wars between Popeyes and Chick-fil-A. Both companies have many franchisees, so owners may own both restaurants.

He compared politics to the fakeness of pro wrestling. “We call them the clowns in the circus of politics and they’re bad actors,” he said. “We had Jesse Ventura on our show one day, and he said politics and pro wrestling are identical. No joke, the joke’s on us.”

He said Republicans have changed. “Today’s conservatives are yesterday’s liberals,” the radio host added.

Dean said bad actors are trying to “Europeanize America.” He said talk show host Sean Hannity revealed in 2009 that there were 35 jihad camps in the U.S., but presidents since then have said nothing. He pointed out that the Constitution says nothing about the U.S. setting up military bases around the world, and described diplomacy as “seduction in another guise.” He quoted Founding Father and former President James Madison, who is also considered the father of the Constitution, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

He blasted churches for encouraging illegal immigrants to enter the country and not speaking out against abortion, which enables more unborn babies to die. “If you’re not standing against it, you’re guilty of it,” Dean said. “You’re accomplices.”

Dean said he obtained a national platform after Republicans criticized him. In 2011, he was asked to give the opening prayer at a Minnesota State House session. Since he mentioned Jesus in the prayer, he was attacked later, including by 2,000 news outlets, and the Minnesota House Speaker, a Republican, issued an apology.

He said that the Declaration of Independence contains four references to God. Dean added that the bad folks are “in a war against heaven, a war they will never win.”

He explained that the reason they are targeting children is “because the model of Heaven is children. They’re pure.” Dean provided an example of California Governor Gavin Newsom signing a law in December requiring large retailers who sell products to children to offer gender-neutral toys.

“If the right was doing the right thing all the time, there wouldn’t be a left,” he said.

The radio host said the Constitution calls for impeachment for the “smallest of infractions,” which the Right isn’t doing. Unfortunately, behind the scenes, Republican officials are chummy with the Democrats they claim not to get along with, he explained.

“Everybody complains about the establishment until it’s time to take it down,” he said.

Dean said a big problem with elected officials is they are subject to blackmail due to incidents such as sex scandals in their past, and listed several prominent conservative members of Congress. Additionally, a few of the noisiest conservatives are “controlled opposition” and “entertainment.” Some of those who spoke out the most strongly against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions were heavily invested in big pharma, he said.

Dean accused many of the major talk show hosts of “serving their sponsors.”

Dean even had critical words about former President Donald Trump, citing his appointment of “globalist” Betsy DeVos as education secretary, failure to “drain the swamp,” poor record on the Second Amendment, and failure to go after Hillary Clinton as he’d said he would, among other things.

Dean said Americans are only being presented with five presidential candidates, even though a thousand are running. He warned, “Stay away from your idolatry of your favorite politicians.”

He pointed out how former President George H.W. Bush frequently referred to the “New World Order” and how his father, the late Senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

He quoted the late Senator John Glenn, who said Congress passes unconstitutional laws.

“Why, if we had to do that we could not pass most of the laws we enact around here… Americans just want us to solve America’s problems of health and safety — and not be concerned if they can be constitutionally justified,” Glenn said.

Dean added that he believes 98 percent of all members of Congress belong in prison.

Dean said those who flee their states for more conservative states “don’t deserve their freedoms.” He said there are no more conspiracy theories “since they’ve all come true.” He said the media members only comes after people like him who are telling the truth, and then they lie about it.

He said polls are “complete garbage;” they’re “creating polls to divide the people.” He said “the enemy” doesn’t want to respond to arguments, so they resort to only name-calling.

He warned that opening the borders is going to result in a civil war because it is setting up an “occupying army.” He said it will start when one American says “enough” and the media demonizes him. He pointed out how law enforcement has been standing down quite a bit recently, ignoring crime.

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Rachel Alexander is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News NetworkFollow Rachel on Twitter / X. Email tips to [email protected].





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